Monday, August 25, 2008

Janelle Monae

You know, sometimes I just get sick and tired of listening to the same ole music.. Well at least what some of these artists today call music.. I often find myself switching radio stations especially when ANY solja boy song comes on, that is not music for me... My 8-year old on the hand loves it. I suppose my tastes are little more mature... Don't get me wrong, I like to get silly too but sometimes... I just need some quality music.. A couple days ago, one of my favorite female singers. Janelle Monae had a listening session at the WEA offices here in Atlanta. I have known this extraordinary young lady for quite some time.. I actually did one of her first interviews here in Atlanta way back when! Even in that first interview I knew this wasn't some R&B chick. Her voice is soo breathtaking.. If any of you guys out there are into musicals, Janelle has the voice for Broadway. But it doesn't stop there... I remember watching Janelle perform to "Lettin' Go" for the first time.. she was everywhere!! BUT she had soo much energy! I loved it! It's soo easy to love her musical gift.. To here her music is one thing, but to see her perform! Whew! Absolutely amazing! I wish more artists were like her, BUT I am glad she is herself, because they may try to imitate but they will never duplicate her. Her album, Metropolis, is finally being released on a nationwide level. It came out Tuesday, August 12th. The price is pretty low so you definitely want to buy a few so you can give them to your friends! The songs will allow you to go on a journey... it will make you think... it will make you want to hear more (this is a relatively short cd.... think of it as an introduction to Janelle Monae). If you ever get the chance to see her perform live.

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